But hold on, as I'll be gone.
Lessons went on pretty well today
& day was quite well spent with Dewi & Weiling.
But I'm somehow missing Bbf's companionship.
They said, my facial expression is perpetually frigid.
And all I could reply was, so what?
It's time for acroamatic thinkings, world.
I feel like a blimp, but dieting is pointless, I solemnly swear.
So I'll start to binge on food, I hope.
I ate Double Cheeseburger today, I deserve some applause right?
Although I ate it without the bread, because it contains carbohydrates.
Why do I get the reprehension for things I can't control?
I feel like going for a wedding dinner.
There's really no way to reach me
Because I'm already gone.
Because I'm already gone.